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tv   CBS This Morning Saturday  CBS  April 13, 2013 5:00am-7:00am PDT

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it's time to start living well financially, spiritually physically and emotionally. it's time to start living well with montel. [applause, ♪..., cheerin ...welcome, welcome, welcome. thank you so much for joining us today for another edition of living well with montel. [applause, cheerin well, today, we're talking about identity theft and if you don't think it's a serious problem i want you to think about this: every three seconds, someone's identity is stolen and it's not just credit card fraud. and once your identity is stolen, accounts can be opened in your name, your credit scores can be ruined, your bank accounts could be wiped out and you could lose all the equity in your home. identity thieves can ruin your life and for all of you people out there who don't think you can be a victim because you're too young and because, you know, you use one of these, you don't leave a paper trail, come on guess what. smartphone users are far more likely to be victims of identity theft. and you still think you're protected? well, so did the people that you're about to meet. i want you to take a look at this. >> woman: i would never have thought in a million years it
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would happen to me, ever. >> something was terribly, terribly wrong. >> announcer: it happens to young people. >> woman: i have all of these bills and none of them are mine. >> someone had opened a business in my name. they opened bank accounts. like, they basically had a life based off my life. >> the police could not help me. it entirely changed the course of my life. >> my identity is still messed up and this is about four years later. >> announcer: it happens to educated people. >> it happened to me twice. i was fresh out of university and a single parent, very alone. somebody bought a house for $112,000 in a state i never lived in. >> announcer: it happens to hardworking people. >> i owed them over $20,000 and that freaked me out. >> announcer: it happens to people you would never expect. >> you would think that if anybody is gonna be well protected against identity theft, it's me-- a professional consumer watchdog and investigative reporter. i was now being pegged for running up bills on nine different credit cards that i wasn't paying, stiffing various utilities, passing bad checks. >> announcer: it even happens to police. >> a lot of people go, "you? you of all people?"
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i said, "yeah, if it can happen to me, it's gonna happen to you." >> announcer: you can become a victim of identity theft in an instant. your personal information is at risk. >> this guy pulled my social security number right out of thin air. >> announcer: whether thieves get your personal information by looking over your shoulder going through your trash or hacking into your identity online, the results are the same. >> i cannot currently get a credit card. >> just because you were a victim once, don't think you won't be again. [applaus >> well, please welcome mark stephanie and hanna to the show. welcome them. stephanie, why don't you tell everybody, you had a roommate, right? >> i did have a roommate. >> nice girl, friendly, right? >> yeah. >> she was cool. >> great friend. >> her boyfriend did what to you? >> it is my suspicion that he opened some credit cards in my name. >> how many months did it take you to start cleaning up the damage that this person did? >> um, several months, actually. i mean, i moved out and i had to
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call my boss and say, "i need immediate time off," and i moved into a motel. i eventually quit the job because i couldn't afford staying where i was anymore. and i moved back home. >> and you made the calls to the police. >> i did. >> and how much were they able to help you? >> not very much. i was violated and now i have to prove to these people that i am me and that i did not do these things that you told me that i've done. and it was very difficult. >> hanna, your story is crazy because hanna gets hit twice-- not once, two times. the first time, you had just graduated from college, correct? >> yeah. >> most people graduate from college these days and you get the notice student loans are due, how are we gonna work this out? you get a notice that you didn't have a student loan-- somebody bought a house in your name? >> yeah. i went for a credit card and i was denied and they sent me back this four-page thing of all these places in indiana along
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with this house that i bought and defaulted on. >> wait, how much was that house that you bought 'cause-- >> it was $112,000. >> $112,000. in debt like that. >> like that. >> what people have to understand is for years, hanna worked with banks, agencies, told them, "my identity has been stolen." everybody and their brother knew it. and yet, they get to do it again. >> it was horrible. >> mark, people have to understand, this can happen to anybody. you are a former l.a.p.d. detective, correct? >> yeah, i was actually working nine years in major fraud when this happened to me. it was pretty crazy and it was actually a little bit of a joke when i got back to the department. >> do you know how it happened? how did they get your identity to begin with? >> your information's out there and it's public and so you have to protect yourself because it's going to cost you money, it's going to cost you time, it's going to cost you stress, it's going to cost you energy and i've seen it from all walks, from the young to little kids to
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the elderly who has a house that's already paid for and then one day, "what, i have a mortgage?" so it devastates them, it wipes out their retirement. >> well, you know what, to help us all understand how this could have been stopped, please welcome the founder and c.e.o. of lifelock mr. todd davis. welcome him! [applause, cheers, ♪.. todd, these are crazy stories that we hear. >> well, the key is, if it had happened now, we would have had the chance to try to stop these crimes before they happened. >> and i talked a little bit earlier about fraud, identity theft. a lot of people think if somebody, you know, swipes your credit card while you're standing at such and such a store, look over your shoulder and they charge four or five things and walk away that's one crime. >> yeah. >> that may be the extent of the crime. but then when they take it the next step further... >> the keys to a kingdom for a criminal is get that personally identifiable information-- not just a credit card that can be turned off in minutes if you notify-- but let's get name,
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birth date, social security number and once they have that-- unfortunately for hanna's sake once it's out there-- you see what happens. now i can't get a mortgage. sit there, clean it up, work for years to make this better and then the rest of your life you still gotta look over your shoulder 'cause when are they gonna hit me again? >> in each one of these cases-- and he's l.a.p.d., former l.a.p.d.-- each case, had they had lifelock to begin with though, the first time he had any blip, you would have notified him. >> well, that's the key. we would have looked at it for banking, checking, savings accounts. account takeover fraud lifelock would have sent an alert. is this you? stephanie's case, you know what, you've got that alert, you may have chosen to get it via text message and just "stephanie, you're trying to get this new credit card?" you say no, send it back with one button push. and we're going to interact with that enterprise and say, "stop this transaction" before that card ever gets mailed. we see across multiple enterprises. when those criminals adjust their vectors of attack,
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guess what we do. we adjust where our defenses are. we adjust what we see. >> i gotta back you on that 100%. i've been involved with lifelock since its early days. >> very much. >> i gotta take a little break, sir. we're going to take a little break. guys, give it up for mr. todd davis, also... give it up for mark, stephanie and hanna. give it up for 'em. >> announcer: coming up, todd davis takes montel inside lifelock's command center, but first... >> i'm taking a stand against identity theft because i believe it's become prolific, i mean it's epidemic in proportion. >> announcer: he's taken on organized crime, wall street criminals, even international terrorists, now america's mayor is taking on identity theft. >> i think i know a little bit about security. i would never think in a million years i could protect my own identity. you gotta get professional help here. >> announcer: it's one of the fastest growing crimes in america. before you even know you're a victim, it can rob you of your hard earned money... >> $5- or $6,000 out of my checking account. >> two automobiles were purchased. >> $112,000 on my credit. >> announcer: ...destroy your good name... >> it ruined my ability to get credit. >> announcer: ...and turn your
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life upside down. >> i could have been arrested and i could have been serving time. >> the police could not help me. >> announcer: it's identity theft. it strikes over 10 million people every year. young, old, wealthy, hard-working and its victims have one thing in common... >> i would never have thought in a million years it would have happened to me, ever. >> announcer: ...none of them thought it would happen to them. >> i know it happens to a lot of people, but i was so careful. >> announcer: credit card companies don't do enough to protect you from identity theft. protect yourself with the most comprehensive identity theft protection available the protection only lifelock offers. [click >> you know, if you're like me you want to protect the things that are so important to you-- your money, your credit, your good name. that's why i'm a member of lifelock. >> announcer: right now, your personal information is out there and thieves can take it in an instant. when you swipe a credit card shop online, fill up at a gas station, visit your doctor, and if you use a smartphone, your chances of becoming a victim are even greater. lifelock's highly trained and dedicated member services team are at work 24 hours a day 365 days a year helping to stop
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identity theft before it happens. lifelock utilizes a sophisticated data surveillance system to monitor more than 740 billion identity data points every day. when identity thieves attempt to use your personal information, lifelock's proactive identity alerts warn you, helping to stop thieves in their tracks before the damage is done. >> i got an email alert from lifelock that said there may be a breach in your checking account. it was a sunday and it was a holiday. had i not signed up for lifelock, i probably would have been completely wiped out. >> announcer: no one can stop all identity theft, but no one can protect you better than lifelock and they stand behind that promise with their $1 million service guarantee. >> lifelock was my superman. it feels great to have lifelock behind you. >> announcer: call today. mention promo code "stop" and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. call or go to right now. become a member today and montel will also send you this document shredder for shredding all your
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unwanted sensitive documents a $29 value, yours absolutely free for ordering during this special offer. don't wait until you become a victim; become a lifelock member today. >> lifelock offers the most comprehensive protection available. it's the best way for you to protect the things you value most. [♪.. >> announcer: mention promo code "stop" for your free shredder and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. [♪..., applause, cheer >> wow, welcome back to living well with montel. now today, we're talking about identity theft and to help us understand just how enormous this problem is and what we can all do to protect ourselves is the former new york city mayor america's mayor, please welcome, mayor rudy giuliani. [applause, cheer my goodness. good to see you. good to see you again, good. have a seat. first of all, thank you, sir.
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thank you. first of all, i mean your service to this country is just indescribable. you have taken on everybody-- organized crime, drug cartels. you name it, you have taken it on and beaten it down and really done one of the best jobs, i think, of anybody in this country doing so. now you're taking on identity theft, sir? >> well, you have to look at the shifting nature of crime. >> o.k. >> this is the fastest growing form of crime. it's insidious because people can steal your identity, you don't even know about it. >> what made you aware of this to focus on it? >> i've been in the security consulting business now for 10 11 years, since i left being mayor. so i've heard hundreds of complaints like this from individuals, from businesses. the whole area of cyber theft has just been growing and growing since i've been in this business and now it's become almost an epidemic-- i call it an epidemic because all this information is in cyberspace. all this information we used to lock in safes, all that stuff is sitting up in the air.
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i mean, it's in a cloud. it's right up there for anybody to go grab, take. >> now what's even crazier about this-- and tell me if i'm wrong-- i think, o.k., if somebody messes with my debt, all i do is call the bank, "hey, cancel all my credit cards, we good? thank you." and it's over. >> no, no, it's not over. i mean, if somebody can get your social security number, they can do all kinds of damage. if someone can get into your bank account, they can start moving money around. they can start taking money out. somebody can apply for your social security benefits before you get a chance to. they can get your medicare/medicaid benefits if you're entitled to them. they can charge enormous amounts before you ever find out about it. they can take your equity away from you. >> absolutely insane. so now, you found out about lifelock and i'm going to ask you, you're a member-- i'm a member. >> yes. [both talking at onc i believe lifelock is by far the best. my major message to people is you gotta get some professional help here. do not think you can protect yourself, no matter how smart you are, no matter how security-conscious you are. i think i know a little bit about security. i would never think in a million
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years i could protect my own identity. i can't do it. i'd be spending all my time, you know, checking everything that i did and i wouldn't be able to do it. >> it's crazy. well, you know what, earlier i told everybody in the audience that i was going to take a little tour of a lifelock command center. well, lifelock's founder todd davis did exactly that. he took us on a tour of the command center and i want you all to take a look at this. right here, sir. >> todd: we're the industry leader in providing this world-class service and we're proud of it. this is truly a command center. it isn't just about this dedicated group who are here but it's the fact that behind all of this, montel, is 740 billion aggregated data elements where we are looking for our members' personally identifiable information being used. >> i want people at home to understand you and i are standing right here on the other side of a glass. why? >> well, we take security very seriously. in fact, we meet the high levels of security data handling p.c.i. level one, the same kind of certifications that your financial institutions have.
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we have to make sure that that data of those members does not get out. we can't even tape audio there in our command center. wherever you are, when you need someone, we will be there for you with a live body who cares. we have the chance to stop this crime before it happens. [applaus >> absolutely incredible. see, i knew that they were doing it on the case but didn't realize how much so. >> the reality is you look at all those people they're working for you. >> yes, sir. >> they're all working for you. they're working to protect you. you cannot possibly do this work for yourself. you cannot protect your own identity in the modern complex technological world we live in. lifelock's the best way to do it, but any way is better to do it than you're doing it yourself. >> you heard it here first, guys. [applaus ladies and gentlemen, give it up for mayor rudy giuliani. thank you so much, sir. [applause, cheer thank you. o.k., now you've heard victims of identity theft talk about how devastating it can be to become a victim.
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you've also heard from mayor giuliani talk about the enormity of the crime and how easy it is for any of us to become victims. if you still think you don't need protection, our next guest will change your mind for sure. at one point, he was one of the world's most notorious hackers and identity thieves. ladies and gentlemen, give it up for mr. kevin mitnick. [applaus good to meet you, sir. right before the show, kevin we selected eight members of our studio audience-- stand up guys-- and these eight members of our studio audience agreed to let us take a look at the information they put on their audience release form. and those audience release forms have a certain amount of information, right? >> basically their name and their address. >> and they're going to participate in an identity theft demonstration. >> right, montel. we have four lifelock members, we have four random members from the audience. i was able to find out a ton of information. before i can go any further, i have to get their explicit authorization or i'd be breaking the law. >> announcer: when we come back, it only took a few minutes but you won't believe how much personal information he was able to find and what he did with it. and that's not the most shocking part.
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>> you know, if you're like me you want to protect the things that are so important to you-- your money, your credit, your good name. that's why i'm a member of lifelock. >> announcer: lifelock's highly trained and dedicated member services team are at work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year helping to stop identity theft before it happens. when identity thieves attempt to use your personal information, lifelock's proactive identity alerts warn you, helping to stop thieves in their tracks before the damage is done. >> i got an e-mail alert from lifelock that said there may be a breach in your checking account. it was a sunday and it was a holiday. had i have not signed up for lifelock, i probably would have been completely wiped out. >> announcer: no one can stop all identity theft, but no one can protect you better than lifelock and they stand behind that promise with their $1 million service guarantee. >> it feels great to have lifelock behind you. >> announcer: call today. mention promo code "stop" and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. call or go to right now.
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become a member today and montel will also send you this document shredder for shredding all your unwanted sensitive documents a $29 value, yours absolutely free for ordering during this special offer. don't wait until you become a victim. become a lifelock member today. >> lifelock offers the most comprehensive protection available. it's the best way for you to protect the things you value most. [♪.. >> announcer: mention promo code "stop" for your free shredder and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. before the break, eight audience volunteers allowed former hacker kevin mitnick to attempt to steal their identities using just their name and address, information all of us give out without a second thought. >> just so people get this clearly: if you have a computer and access, it doesn't cost you anything, right? what's the cost for you to be able to steal somebody's identity? >> actually, 50 cents. you don't have to be a super hacker. anyone that has access to the internet and can subscribe to
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certain databases that private investigators do and information brokers do could obtain anyone's information for between 25 and 50 cents. >> so the value of your whole life and all your information... 50 cents. all right, so let's show you. we did an experiment and this has been great. all eight of you stand up again. four of you are lifelock members, four of you are non-lifelock members. >> i was able to get their full social security number their date of birth, their phone number and all the addresses that they lived at for probably the last 10 years. >> you then, during our break, were able to do what. >> i was able to open up credit accounts at some of the major banks. >> guys, he was just able to fill out applications for credit cards in your names. all right, so now, the four of you that are non-lifelock members, take a look at your phone, tell me if you have an alert there. you got an alert there? somebody let you know that somebody messing with you? no? lifelock members, take a look at your phone. anybody got an alert there? yeah?
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one, two, three, four. all four? all four? [applaus you see, that's the power of lifelock. it steps in and can stop. and honestly, it's being proactive, understanding that with a minimal amount of information, people have access to your entire life, correct? >> pretty much the identity system in america is broken. it takes anyone with access to the internet and a credit card to get enough information to become you. it's just so easy and there's nothing out there that can protect you like lifelock. >> give it up for kevin mitnick. thank you, sir. >> thank you. [applaus >> one of the good guys protecting us all. now, i want you to take a look at this tape because here are a couple lifelock members who are gonna prove to you that lifelock can step in to help us all stop identity theft in its tracks. >> i was applying for a new home loan. my neighbor next door came into my apartment and within minutes, he just photocopied everything
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with his camera. they stole it all. they stole my life. >> man: last thanksgiving, i came home, found my house burglarized. they had taken a safe, which contained all of my wife and i's personal documents my family's personal documents. what they took wasn't just the physical items, but they took my identity and it became very personal. >> at first, i panicked because i didn't know what to do. now that he's stolen my identity with all the inquiries on my credit, i'm not going to qualify and i was not going to get my new home. lifelock protected my credit and in the process, i did get my new home. >> the support i got from lifelock was amazing. they were there for me. they were working side by side with me. the credit card companies and my banks were not. >> lifelock did shut the identity thieves down. >> i chose lifelock because they seemed to have the best reputation. what was interesting is they proved themselves right by doing everything they said they would do and then some. >> if i didn't have lifelock i would have never gotten my
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new home. >> without lifelock on my side i... i don't know where i'd be. >> well, please welcome kent julie and francine to the show. welcome them. [applaus i don't know, again, i can't imagine walking into my house and realizing someone had invaded my privacy this way. >> i was so angry. i wanted to just pick up a pipe and beat somebody. >> i can imagine because you're also trying to think about the holidays for your family and when did you realize that you know, somebody could have our information? >> well, we had taken all of our stuff out of the bank, put it in our home safe because we were switching banks and we noticed that the safe was gone. our passports, our birth certificates, our social security cards, our parents' information, car title. >> so what did lifelock do for you? >> lifelock stopped the identity theft. they locked me down, they protected me. any time i had a problem i was getting an alert by a text, a phone call and an email.
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>> and i'll tell you these lifelock people that were on the phone with us were amazing. >> and this is through the holiday season. let's remind people that you know, this thing happens two days later, there are thieves out there working as hard as they can and lifelock is letting you know bang! i have stopped this, i have shut this down. >> they were working immediately. they weren't even waiting two days. we had been robbed thanksgiving day and by friday, they were already starting to open up accounts. lifelock was right there for us, right over the holidays going into the christmas season. >> and lifelock stopped it. that's what i'm talking about. [applaus francine, francine. this thing. these little devices that we call smartphones, all of which have cameras on them. watch this. francine, somebody rolls over to your house. >> my neighbor. >> click click. >> he took it all. he had it all. >> what did lifelock do for you? >> well, lifelock kept alerting
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me because the thief kept trying to move my bank accounts to different p.o. boxes. so lifelock would call me up and say, "hey, are you changing an address?" and i said, "no, no." i got the alert, "hey, he's trying to open up another seven credit cards." >> each time that alert comes through, that's not saying, oh this activity's going on and we didn't do anything-- they stop it from happening. stop it. >> they're my angels. [applaus >> all right, folks, what else do i need to do to convince you to get identity theft protection? we've shown you from both sides, from the victims and the thieves, just how easy it is for identities to be stolen. you've experienced first hand the dedication and the incredible level of support from america's leader in identity theft protection. and america's mayor himself rudy giuliani told us just how serious and devastating this problem can become. so the problem's not going to go away folks, it's only going to get worse. don't wait until you become a victim yourself-- protect yourself with lifelock today. now i'm going to make it real
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easy for everybody in the audience because you're all gonna go home with one year of lifelock for free. there you go. [cheers, applaus absolutely. so join us on the next living well with montel. [applause, cheer >> you know, if you're like me you want to protect the things that are so important to you-- your money, your credit, your good name. that's why i'm a member of lifelock. >> announcer: right now, your personal information is out there and thieves can take it in an instant when you swipe a credit card, shop online fill up at a gas station visit your doctor. credit card companies don't do enough to protect you from identity theft and if you use a smartphone, your chances of becoming a victim are even greater. lifelock's highly trained and dedicated member services team are at work 24 hours a day 365 days a year helping to stop identity theft before it happens. lifelock utilizes a sophisticated data surveillance system to monitor more than 740 billion identity data points
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every day. when identity thieves attempt to use your personal information, lifelock's proactive identity alerts warn you, helping to stop thieves in their tracks before the damage is done. had i have not signed up for lifelock, i probably would have been completely wiped out. >> announcer: no one can stop all identity theft, but no one can protect you better than lifelock and they stand behind that promise with their $1 million service guarantee. >> it feels great to have lifelock behind you. >> announcer: call today. mention promo code "stop" and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. call or go to right now. become a member today and montel will also send you this document shredder for shredding all your unwanted sensitive documents a $29 value, yours absolutely free for ordering during this special offer. don't wait until you become a victim. become a lifelock member today. >> lifelock offers the most comprehensive protection available. it's the best way for you to protect the things you value most. [♪..
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>> announcer: mention promo code "stop" for your free shredder and get 60 days of lifelock's protection risk-free. the preceding was a paid advertisement for lifelock identity theft protection.
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>> announcer: the following paid program is proudly sponsored by america's most trusted name in carpet care: rug doctor. your carpet is one of the most expensive investments in your home. it endures spills...
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it soaks up stains... gets muddied and messed by kids, pets and guests. if you want your carpet to last for years, the way it should it's time for you to call the doctor-- the rug doctor. introducing the all-new mighty pro x3, with the power to refresh, restore and renew your carpet with deep-down cleansing power. remove beverage and food stains. erase high-traffic dirt. extract pet odors. transform your carpet from dingy to dazzling in minutes. rug doctor's new mighty pro x3 injects powerful rug doctor cleaning solution deep into carpet fibers. its one-of-a-kind triple-row brushes deliver scrubbing action to all sides of the carpet fiber, releasing deep-down dirt and grime. then the powerful extraction motor rapidly removes the filthy water so you can pour it right down the drain. it leaves your carpet looking and feeling new. that's why it was awarded the carpet and rug institute's highest honor, the platinum rating.
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it's important to have clean carpets that your whole family can enjoy. it's critical that you clean them frequently and thoroughly. in the following minutes see how clean you could get your carpets in just one single pass... witness as we put rug doctor to the test, head to head with the best carpet cleaners the competitors can build... and learn the 35-year secret behind the superior commercial-grade, durable, number-one-rented carpet cleaner in the world: rug doctor. we'll even give you the inside scoop on how you can join over 100,000 satisfied customers and try the brand-new x3 in your home with the most affordable introductory offer we've ever created. now, for rug doctor and your home's health, here's joanne liebeler. [♪.. >> hi, i'm joanne liebeler and if you love your home and the people in it, this is the most important few minutes you can spend to understand what may be living deep in the carpet you and your family live on. this is a pound of dirt.
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look at that, i'm gonna pour it on out. did you know your carpet can hide up to a pound of dirt grime and allergens in just one square yard? and if you neglect it, your carpet can become a filthy breeding ground for dust mites bacteria and, ugh... just things you don't want to think about. yep, and you're living on it. yikes! today we're going to learn the best way to clean them from national home improvement expert lou manfredini. hey, lou! >> how are you joanne? >> i'm good. it's so good to see you. >> nice to see you, too. >> now, you own a hardware store? >> i do, in chicago, and you know what? carpeting is something i get asked about a lot. whether it's stains or replacement, and seeing what you just did is kind of disturbing. i mean, think about all that dirt that gets trapped inside the carpeting. we live on them, we lie on them, our pets are there, the babies are lying all over them. >> right, yep. >> i mean, if you think about your carpeting and all that living bacteria that you track in the house with your shoes, with the sneezes with the pet wheezes.
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>> you know, i gotta tell you, it makes you wonder-- how can a vacuum actually get all this deep-down dirt and grime? >> and you know what else? the technology in most carpet cleaners does the same thing. they start with extraction and then spray liquid on the surface, and then they spin a brush in one direction. >> so first they get the carpet wet, and then you gotta work it back and forth, like a vacuum. >> right. every rug doctor has a unique vibrating brush that cleans the way you do. it scrubs dirt and stains away then pulls that mess out of your carpet. now, as a matter of household hygiene and carpet longevity you should be cleaning your carpeting every 90 days, especially if you have small children and pets. and as often as every two months if you live in a humid climate. >> well, that makes sense because, of course, all that humidity attracts dirt. >> right, that dirt and that grit inside there can act like little knives and actually cut the fiber. >> it's almost like sandpaper cutting against the carpet fibers. >> right, and if you have a family, in a matter of time you have stains like, well coffee, for instance.
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>> yeah? >> go ahead. >> really? >> right on the carpet. >> oh, my gosh. [laugh this goes against my nature, i'm just telling you. >> i understand. then maybe some juice? >> this is starting to look like a bad night at book club. >> and some cola. >> all right. >> and finally a little chocolate syrup. >> oh, my gosh. >> look at that. >> yuck! >> go ahead and track that in. >> [laughso.k. oh, my gosh. [laugh man, this is just... >> a mess. >> all right, now, i know, lou that you're here to introduce the new rug doctor mighty pro, but there's no way you're gonna get all that out. that's just gross. >> you're absolutely right i'm not going to-- you are. >> i am? >> using the new mighty pro from rug doctor, the x3. now, i'm gonna go ahead and fire it up. >> o.k. >> push that red button. >> yeah? >> and pull it back. rug doctor is at-home professional-strength deep-cleansing, with stain and dirt extraction. it's portable, powerful, affordable and lightweight. >> well, it's easy to use, i'm gonna say that. oh, my gosh.
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wow! >> pretty nice, huh? here's how it works. first, the x3 uses jets to powerfully inject hot cleansing solution into the carpet pile. it penetrates deep down where the dirt, grime, grease, grit and dust mites live. next, the triple-row vibrating brush technology deeply scrubs and scours all sides of the fiber, allowing the cleaning solution to release the stain. finally, the vacuum motor sucks up and extracts the filth into the reservoir, allowing you to dump it down the drain. >> you know, i cannot believe this rug doctor got out, o.k., coffee, cola, juice, chocolate oh, and let's not forget the dirt, just in one pass. unbelievable, wow. >> it is amazing what a great job the rug doctor does. now, joanne, when it comes to cleaning carpeting, you really have three choices. you can hire a truck, you can rent a machine-- and rug doctor does rent machines at over 30,000 locations nationwide, it's a great way to start-- but my favorite is owning your own.
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when you own your own rug doctor x3, you don't have to deal with someone coming to your home, you know, figuring out the schedule, taking time to take off of work, paying hundreds of dollars to have your carpeting cleaned. >> well, plus, the carpet cleaner is in the truck. >> that's right, and it's a water and chemical spray with suction. there's normally no scrubbing on the end of this device. so again, the same question is true: is that deep-cleaning or just cleaning what you can see on the surface? >> right, there's nothing here to scrub the fibers. >> right, every rug doctor has a unique vibrating brush that cleans the way you do. and now, with the new rug doctor x3, there's more bristles for even more cleaning power. it scrubs dirt and stains away then pulls that mess out of your carpet. >> and then you just throw it all away. >> that's how it earned its platinum-rated seal of approval, the highest-rated seal of approval given by the independent carpet and rug institute for carpet cleaners. plus, this was built for the rigors of the rental industry. the carpeting in your home is a big investment.
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carpet manufacturers have done a wonderful job designing carpets that are so tough, they will last for years and years, looking new if you take care of them. rug doctor is the only machine that's been doing it right for the last 35 years. here's how to get yours. >> [phone recordin: hi my name is anna higgins, and i'd like to share something that happened with my family. i was upstairs brushing my teeth when i heard crying. i turned around and saw my two-year-old saying, "i is hurt, mama," and i smelled tabasco sauce. "oh, great," i thought to myself, "connor got into the fridge again." i found he had recreated the rug doctor mess he had seen on the tv commercial, complete with sesame seed oil, ketchup tabasco sauce, everything from the fridge. i was skeptical that i would be able to get it all out with my mighty pro. the ketchup and most of the rest came up with the first swipe with the rug doctor. snapped a picture and was only 15 minutes late to our play date. i love my mighty pro! thank you, rug doctor. >> announcer: introducing, for 2013, the all-new rug doctor x3
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signature tv package, only available here, and priced so low you must call for complete details. call and order now. use the rug doctor mighty pro x3 in your home for 30 days. the first payment is only $29.95 plus shipping and handling. when you order, we'll include everything you need to clean up to 1500 square feet, twice. that's today and 90 days from now like you should. start with new oxy-steam cleaning concentrate with powerful oxygen boosters. this 48-ounce concentrated deep-cleaner makes up to 24 gallons of super-oxygenated solution. you'll have the power to break the bonds of dirt and grime instantly. your carpets will be fresher look newer and smell cleaner. for those tough high-traffic areas like hallways, stairs and that path through the living room, we'll add rug doctor hi-traffic pre-treatment. pull the trigger to release grease, grime and the gunk that's ground into the pile of your carpet. it's the professionals' secret weapon for bringing new life
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back to older carpeting. we'll even add our spot and stain remover. have a spill? it's the first thing you should reach for. it even works on most fabrics. it's removed millions of stains. all rug doctor products are people-safe and pet-safe and because we're pet lovers too, we'll include a second full cleaning system for pet owners starting with our 48-ounce pet formula carpet cleanser with pro-enzymatic technology to devour the bacteria that causes pet orders and restore that fresh smell of wall-to-wall rug doctor clean. specific pet stains need to be erased? we'll include urine eliminator with pro-enzymatic technology to eliminate the color and smell of pet stains. it goes deep past the pile through the pad to the flooring below. enzymes devour the source of stains and smells permanently. call now and we'll include brand-new u.e. wipes and spot and stain wipes-- all the power of these incredible stain and odor removers in a moist wipe for on-the-go emergencies. we'll give you two packs of each.
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order now and we'll include a second dome filter for your convenience, plus we'll add a second dual-action triple-row easy-release brush. we're adding these to insure years of satisfying, reliable cleaning. get all this, plus the opportunity to use your own rug doctor mighty pro x3 in your home for 30 days for just $29.95 plus shipping and handling. make the choice to start getting your carpets deep-cleaned like new now. don't forget to ask your customer service agent about how to get free shipping today. all together this valuable professional-grade system could save you thousands of dollars, but when you own it, it's yours every day whenever you need it-- before company comes and after they leave. don't wait one minute more. pick up the phone and call to find out how you can enjoy a rug doctor mighty pro in your home. we promise your rug doctor will be the most valuable home cleaning system you've ever used, or simply return it. you'll pay nothing more. to order, have your credit card ready and call the number on your screen or visit us on the
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web at when you call, ask your operator about the upholstery and stair kit which will save you even more money and give you a professional clean on stairs in cars, and reviving furniture to near-new. save hundreds every single year doing it yourself with the tool designed by professionals for professional-strength deep-cleansing. call the doctor-- the rug doctor-- bringing over 35 years of professional experience right into your home. order now! [♪.. >> all right, now, joanne, let's see how the rug doctor mighty pro stacks up to the competition. >> a-ha, well, that's why we have our guests here. welcome, gentlemen. and... boy, we also have some rude, wretched-looking carpet. >> yeah, i know it's kinda dirty, but we've all seen dirt like this. it's an example of high-traffic dirt. now, no special effects here. will you operate the rug doctor might pro x3? >> oh, sure! sure, sure. >> and gentlemen... and lady... start your engines. [♪.. now, the directions for these
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machines all say they need to go back and forth, so we're gonna let them do their job. as you can see, the rug doctor mighty pro x3 is already cleaning. [♪.. >> joanne: wow. >> lou: these machines' directions say you need to make four passes. look at the difference between a roller technology that goes in one direction and the rug doctor mighty pro x3. [♪.. this is their last one. [♪.. >> wow. you know, do you mind if i just kinda go over and see what i can pick up what these guys left behind? >> absolutely, yeah. [starts rug doctor
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here we go. [♪.. oh, wow. [turns off rug docto >> i don't think i need to say anything, because a picture is worth a thousand words. >> that's just fun. >> and i want to show you one other thing-- come over here. we were talking about this roller technology, right? how a lot of competitors go in one direction-- that roller goes in one direction. now, if i handed you that brush and i said, "joanne, i need you to clean this dirty carpeting by hand," how would you do it? >> uh, well, you... it's a lot of elbow grease, back and forth, yeah... >> you'd be scrubbing back and forth-- you wouldn't just take that roller and go in one direction. look at the dramatic difference between the mighty pro x3 from rug doctor and the competition. i mean, it says it all. >> wow... so i'm getting this. the rug doctor cleans the way
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you would: it actually scrubs out dirt, grime, grit. >> absolutely. you know what? cleaning your carpet is not just about vacuum cleaner suction. it's about the right cleaning process: injecting the right solution, agitating with a scrubbing action, then extracting all that foul water and dirt. rug doctor is the only machine that's been doing it right for the last 35 years. >> we're the usual, typical grandparents in that we let our grandkids do whatever they want, so they do create quite a mess when they come over and we let 'em... rein-free, do whatever they want. the rug doctor really is great reassurance to us that it'll pick up whatever mess they make. >> i would tell anyone who has allergies, "if you have allergies, you probably don't need new carpet, you probably don't need to switch out your floors, you probably just need to get 'em cleaned," and rug doctor has some great products and it's a great machine. >> we're talking about the importance of carpet cleaning, and so far, we've established you do have to clean your
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carpets and you have to do it frequently. >> absolutely, and joanne, also, now, you have a pet, right? >> ray the wonder cat. >> yeah, we have a dog, as well. as a matter of fact, the president of rug doctor has four rescue pets himself. they're part of the family and keeping your home environment healthy and clean, well, it's a good idea for everyone. rug doctor has a complete line of products devoted to keeping your home pet-friendly and clean. >> rug doctor's developed a reputation for providing the best machine available and when we came up with this new machine, we certainly wanted to only improve on that. our machine has a stronger vacuum motor and a higher solution flow than any of the competition, which means that it puts down more cleaning solution and picks up more cleaning solution than anyone else. it has an agitating brush versus a rotating brush, which will clean the carpet in both directions, versus the competition that only cleans in one direction. we've worked hard on the x3. we're happy with what we've done, we're confident that it's the best machine that we've
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offered, the best machine that anybody offers. the rug doctor machine offers you the opportunity to clean your own carpets as effectively as a professional would. >> now, joanne, not all messes are easy to get to, but rug doctor solves that with this upholstery and stair tool. now, this is a typical kid's spill. >> oh, yeah, i've seen that before-- let me, let me scoop it up for you. >> what happens is you get the big part, right? and when you're done with that if you don't get it all up what are you left with? >> a big, stinky mess, and the stink doesn't go away. >> that's right, but the mighty pro x3 pulls it right out with the same principle when you're cleaning your carpeting. now, you turn on the machine. using the tool... you apply the cleaning formula. >> oh! o.k. >> then you're gonna agitate with the brush that's attached to work that back and forth. then extraction... with suction. [♪..
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>> you know, what i like about that is that it doesn't get it completely saturated. it's actually just damp. yeah, well, that's terrific, and the other nice thing about that is the portability would be great for cleaning, oh your carpets and upholstery, in your car or your r.v. something like that. >> and they would be deep-cleansed, that's the best part of it. you use that, and it's gonna smell like new. so imagine if you had a baby seat or a mattress where there was a mess. now the other great thing is this hose, so on stairs you can reach all the way up to the top of the landing or all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and with this nice, fine edge it'll reach into all the crevices and give you professional results every single time. >> well, that's terrific. you know, the rug doctor mighty pro x3 easily cleans your whole house. >> i, i love that machine. i love that machine. even when the carpet doesn't look that dirty, the black water that i pour out of that tank is... it makes me love it
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even more. >> well, honestly, the purchase cost of the rug doctor was exactly the same... it was three dollars more, delivered, with tax, to my doorstep than what [bee quoted me to... to steam-clean the sanctuary of our church. >> hi, i'm lou manfredini. rug doctor has been making commercial-quality carpet cleaning machines for over 30 years. these machines have stood up to over 50 million rentals. their technology not only gets your carpets deep-down clean but the machines are built to last. don't miss this chance to have a rug doctor in your home and see the difference it can make in restoring, refreshing and renewing your carpet. now, remember, this is not an ordinary carpet cleaner, but the only deep-cleansing machine that puts professional power in your hands. the carpeting in your home is a big investment. quality carpets could last for years, even a lifetime. the best thing you can do to protect your investment is deep-cleansing it every 90 days.
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it makes sense to own yours. it's what i trust my carpets to, and so should you. [♪.. >> announcer: introducing, for 2013, the all-new rug doctor x3 signature tv package, only available here, and priced so low you must call for complete details. call and order now. use the rug doctor mighty pro x3 in your home for 30 days. the first payment is only $29.95 plus shipping and handling. when you order, we'll include everything you need to clean up to 1500 square feet, twice. that's today and 90 days from now like you should. start with new oxy-steam cleaning concentrate with powerful oxygen boosters. this 48-ounce concentrated deep-cleaner makes up to 24 gallons of super-oxygenated solution. you'll have the power to break the bonds of dirt and grime instantly. your carpets will be fresher look newer and smell cleaner. for those tough high-traffic areas like hallways, stairs and that path through the living room, we'll add rug
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doctor hi-traffic pre-treatment. pull the trigger to release grease, grime and the gunk that's ground into the pile of your carpet. it's the professionals' secret weapon for bringing new life back to older carpeting. we'll even add our spot and stain remover. have a spill? it's the first thing you should reach for. it even works on most fabrics. it's removed millions of stains. all rug doctor products are people-safe and pet-safe and because we're pet lovers too, we'll include a second full cleaning system for pet owners starting with our 48-ounce pet formula carpet cleanser with pro-enzymatic technology to devour the bacteria that causes pet orders and restore that fresh smell of wall-to-wall rug doctor clean. specific pet stains need to be erased? we'll include urine eliminator with pro-enzymatic technology to eliminate the color and smell of pet stains. it goes deep past the pile through the pad to the flooring below. enzymes devour the source of stains and smells permanently. call now and we'll include
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brand-new u.e. wipes and spot and stain wipes-- all the power of these incredible stain and odor removers in a moist wipe for on-the-go emergencies. we'll give you two packs of each. order now and we'll include a second dome filter for your convenience, plus we'll add a second dual-action triple-row easy-release brush. we're adding these to insure years of satisfying, reliable cleaning. get all this, plus the opportunity to use your own rug doctor mighty pro x3 in your home for 30 days for just $29.95 plus shipping and handling. make the choice to start getting your carpets deep-cleaned like new now. don't forget to ask your customer service agent about how to get free shipping today. all together this valuable professional-grade system could save you thousands of dollars, but when you own it, it's yours every day whenever you need it-- before company comes and after they leave. don't wait one minute more. pick up the phone and call to find out how you can enjoy a rug doctor mighty pro in your home. we promise your rug doctor
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will be the most valuable home cleaning system you've ever used, or simply return it. you'll pay nothing more. to order, have your credit card ready and call the number on your screen or visit us on the web at when you call, ask your operator about the upholstery and stair kit which will save you even more money and give you a professional clean on stairs in cars, and reviving furniture to near-new. save hundreds every single year doing it yourself with the tool designed by professionals for professional-strength deep-cleansing. call the doctor-- the rug doctor-- bringing over 35 years of professional experience right into your home. order now! [♪.. >> hi, i'm john evans, general manager of the silverado resort and spa here in napa valley, california. the silverado resort has 439 guest rooms and has 26,000 square feet of meeting room space, 36 holes of golf, two incredible restaurants and 13 tennis courts for our guests. of course, with that means that
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we have stains, and we have coffee and wine and even wedding cake, at times, in our carpet. and we clean it ourselves with the rug doctor mighty pro x3. at the silverado, i don't just recommend the rug doctor i rely upon it on a daily basis. >> o.k., what is this contraption? >> this is a water-lift tower. now, we've already seen the powerful injection and agitation that the mighty pro x3 provides. this is a way to show how truly deep carpet cleansing reaches down into the fiber, getting out the dirt, the grime-- and remember the dust mites and the creatures that live deep down in the pile? >> microscopic creatures. yes, creeps me out-- i'm sure it creeps out a lot of people. >> well, it should. so, each machine's vacuum hose is connected to a pail of water. and what we want to do is demonstrate by turning them on how high they lift the water. >> all right. >> so let's turn 'em on. >> oh, all right. let's see, number one. uh... it's... >> not so much. >> didn't get a whole lot of performance out of that. didn't get a rise out of it. oh, there we go! that one, that started well... >> yeah, much better.
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>> kinda pooped out. all right, and let's see over here. uh... just so-so. >> wait till you see this. >> oh, wow! >> gonna have to go across here, go up on this stool. >> yeah. >> this shows you the power of the motor in the rug doctor. >> awesome. >> all right, let's turn 'em off. >> o.k. >> that's amazing. >> pretty unbelievable. >> right? >> yeah. >> that's what it's all about-- the power of the suction. and that's what you get with every mighty pro x3. the fact that it has that powerful motor to go down deep into the pile and extract all that filth. >> i rented the rug doctor from a grocery store, i used it once, and when i took it back to the grocery store, i went right straight home and ordered one for myself. >> if you rent one once, you use one once, then you'll want to buy one. >> it does an absolutely fantastic job of keeping the carpets sparkling.
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they really look great. >> well, you know what i learned so much today. i've learned the difference between cleaning and deep-cleansing... cleaning upholstery, how to clean like a pro... how to clean on my own schedule, and affordably. >> so i mentioned i own my own hardware store, and i have been recommending the rug doctor for years-- that people rent it. but now those friends of mine-- customers and neighbors-- i'm recommending to them and to you that you buy one. with over 100,000 mighty pros sold, the new x3 will deep-cleanse your carpet and extend its life. you might even save the carpet that you thought you needed to replace. >> which could end up saving you money. >> that's right. >> for lou manfredini, i'm joanne liebeler, saying write down the number, pick up the phone and call. get a rug doctor in your home. save money in costly cleaning, and with this limited-time offer, you'll save even more. here's how to order. [♪.. >> announcer: introducing, for 2013, the all-new rug doctor x3 signature tv package, only
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available here, and priced so low you must call for complete details. call and order now. use the rug doctor mighty pro x3 in your home for 30 days. the first payment is only $29.95 plus shipping and handling. when you order, we'll include everything you need to clean up to 1500 square feet, twice. that's today and 90 days from now like you should. start with new oxy-steam cleaning concentrate with powerful oxygen boosters. this 48-ounce concentrated deep-cleaner makes up to 24 gallons of super-oxygenated solution. for those tough high-traffic areas like hallways, stairs and that path through the living room, we'll add rug doctor hi-traffic pre-treatment. pull the trigger to release grease, grime and the gunk that's ground into the pile of your carpet. it's the professionals' secret weapon for bringing new life back to older carpeting. we'll even add our spot and stain remover. have a spill? it's the first thing you should reach for. we'll include a second full cleaning system for pet owners starting with our 48-ounce pet
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formula carpet cleanser. specific pet stains need to be erased? we'll include urine eliminator with pro-enzymatic technology to eliminate the color and smell of pet stains. it goes deep past the pile through the pad to the flooring below. enzymes devour the source of stains and smells permanently. call now and we'll include brand-new u.e. wipes and spot and stain wipes. we'll give you two packs of each. order now and we'll include a second dome filter for your convenience, plus we'll add a second dual-action triple-row easy-release brush. don't forget to ask your customer service agent about how to get free shipping today. pick up the phone and call to find out how you can enjoy a rug doctor mighty pro in your home. we promise your rug doctor will be the most valuable home cleaning system you've ever used, or simply return it. to order, have your credit card ready and call the number on your screen or visit us on the web at when you call, ask your operator about the upholstery and stair kit which will save you even more money and give you a
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professional clean on stairs in cars, and reviving furniture to near-new. call the doctor-- the rug doctor-- bringing over 35 years of professional experience right into your home. order now! the preceding was a paid program for the rug doctor mighty pro x3, sponsored by rug doctor.
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>> announcer: light up your life with debby boone is a special paid presentation by lifestyle lift, america's experts at looking younger. >> ♪ and you light up my life ♪
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♪ you give me hope... ♪ >> announcer: now here's your host, multi-grammy award winner, debby boone. >> i'm here today with news that really can light up your life. it's now possible for you to look young again. imagine waking up, going to the mirror and seeing yourself the way you looked years ago. you can transform your appearance thanks to a breakthrough medical process that can take years of wrinkles, frown lines and sagging skin off your face and neck. it's called lifestyle lift. look at these amazing transformations of just some of the over 150,000 people who have already have had a lifestyle lift. you may have already seen it featured on tv shows magazine articles, news reports on abc, cbs, nbc and fox news affiliates across the country. everyone is talking about it. i invite you to stay with me and
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discover how easy looking younger can really be. ♪ ...'cause you... ♪ >> announcer: coming up, personal stories of how your life changes after getting a lifestyle lift. >> debby: ♪ you give me hope. ♪ >> announcer: wrinkles frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results with options that take as little as an hour. call now to receive your free information kit and discover why over 150,000 people have already had a lifestyle lift. >> i'm a firm believer that if there's something you can do to make yourself feel better about yourself, then absolutely go do it. >> i looked old and now i look healthy, young.
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i never looked this good. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation. you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now. >> now let's meet some of the more than 150,000 people who have had a lifestyle lift. as you watch their stories start imagining how you'll look and how your life will transform when you get a lifestyle lift. >> five years ago, i was 270 pounds. i had the gastric bypass surgery and gave away 130-something pounds and was stuck with a lot of extra skin. my main concern is that i'm getting this marionette look. this skin is just... you know, i've lost a lot of elasticity from the weight over the years. so, this here, my little friend is going, i'll say good-bye to and i want to get rid of this
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edge here. i want to get rid of this kind of look. and i had seen a friend who had had the lifestyle lift. then i saw these results and i said, "you know, let me go and see what this is about." i don't think anyone can understand how it feels to look at yourself in the mirror one day and the next day look so naturally younger, refreshed and just feel great. look at the before and after pictures. these are not touched up. i looked old and now i look healthy, young. i never looked this good. you've got to do it. >> after i had the procedure i looked, i felt i looked great. when i looked in the mirror, that was the look i wanted. you know, it was natural. there's no doubt there's been a change. i feel better about myself i'm confident. i don't even think about the way i used to look-- tired, old and, you know unhealthy-looking. now, you know, i'm vibrant and i have a lot going for me. >> i am amazed at the difference
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a lifestyle lift makes. let me now introduce you to someone else who recently had her lifestyle lift. let's roll linda's before video. >> the reason i want to have the lifestyle lift is... my neck... is sagging and i don't like the way it makes me look. i feel older and tired. i would like to have a firmer jaw line and then this part, um, firmed up too as well. >> and now let's welcome linda to the show. wow, you look beautiful. >> thank you! >> linda, why did you want to get a lifestyle lift? >> i didn't like my neck. my neck was aging very fast and i didn't like the way i was looking at all and i would cover it up all the time and i wanted to get a lifestyle lift. >> describe to us how you feel about how you look now. >> i love the way i look now. i feel more confident. i smile more. >> oh... did you have concerns before you did this lifestyle lift and
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do you feel differently about that now? >> yeah, my main concern about having any kind of procedure was that it wouldn't look natural, but it looks fabulous. >> it sure does. what has your spouse or your friends said to you since you had your lifestyle lift? >> well, my husband thinks he's going out with a younger woman which is me. >> ooh! [both laug what would you say to other women out there who are not quite happy about how they look and maybe they're thinking about doing something like this? >> i would definitely recommend the lifestyle lift. >> you would. >> it changed my life. >> wow. imagine when it's you getting the kind of compliments that linda's been receiving. a lifestyle lift can have a positive effect on your life. and who wouldn't want to suddenly look years younger? go to the phone now and call for your free information kit. >> announcer: wrinkles frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way
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for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results with options that take as little as an hour in any of our state-of-the-art medical centers nationwide. call now to receive your free information kit. and discover why over 150,000 people have decided to turn back the hands of time. >> it's the first thing people look at, they look at your face. when i looked at my face before i had jowls and my neck looked awful. now i feel more confident, so i'm very, very happy that i had the lifestyle lift done. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation. you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now. >> i'm here with facial plastic surgeon dr. david kent. he's a member of the prestigious american academy of facial plastic and reconstructive
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surgery and the founder of lifestyle lift. dr. kent, more than 150,000 people have already had a lifestyle lift. why is it so popular? >> there's a lot of reasons why lifestyle lift is so popular. one of the number one reasons is is that people these days are much healthier, they feel young, you know, they're much more active than previous generations. and they kinda want their outsides to match their insides. they don't like looking older when they feel so young. other reasons that lifestyle lift is so popular is because our doctors are experts at doing this. they focus exclusively on the face and they do more of these types of procedures than pretty much any doctor in the country. so they become very, very good and they know how to treat every individual depending on their various characteristics to get the best possible results. >> what are some of the things that people are afraid of? >> i think the biggest risk with having a procedure to make yourself look younger is with
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the anesthesia and at lifestyle lift we've really completely removed the serious risks of i.v. and general anesthesia and it's much safer that way. >> i'm in show business, so i have seen a lot of people who have had a lot of different kinds of procedures and i am kind of astounded how natural the people look who've had a lifestyle lift. >> we strive for that natural appearance, that natural result. lifestyle lift doesn't change you. it simply makes you look the same way you did years ago. >> what i'm hoping for is for the skin to be just tightened up in this area, you know, just to look firmer and just a better profile in general. because i just don't like when i turn to the side especially. i just feel like it's just not as distinct as it used to be. when i'd see a picture of myself or i'd walk by a mirror, i would actually stop, especially if the mirror was on the side and just take a double glance and just couldn't believe the change in just a few years, you know and i was unaware how it just
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kind of crept up on me. when i saw the before pictures i had no idea that it was as bad as i thought. you know, you walk around every day and i was aware that i didn't like my profile and i hadn't liked it for a long time. but i can't believe that i had that kind of change. again, literally it was just overnight. as soon as it was over within 24 hours, my husband looked for the first time and said you could immediately see a difference and change. i mean, drastically. >> joining us now is dr. judi bloom, a licensed marriage and family therapist in california who has a degree in clinical psychology and she's also a well-known radio personality. dr. bloom, what would you say are the psychological benefits of looking younger? >> you know, i think there are great psychological benefits in looking younger. for a lot of people, it helps them feel like their insides and their outsides match again because they actually felt younger inside than the world was treating them. and they find that the world starts to respond differently when they look different and
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that enhances people's sense of self, their self-esteem, their self-confidence. >> and dr. kent, who would you say are your typical patients? >> well, my typical patient is somebody who really wants to do something for themselves... has probably raised children taking care of spouses worked their whole life and really never did anything for themselves. and they kind of look in the mirror and they say, "i'm gonna do something for myself this time." >> i did this lifestyle lift for myself. i've spent the last nine years taking care of my mom and my mother passed away about a year ago and i decided it's time for me to start doing good things for myself. and i saw that i was starting to look a little droopy around the edges with my chin and i heard about lifestyle lift and i got excited and went in and spoke to them and made the decision that this is something that i would like to do for myself. now that my neck is gone and i've had the procedure done, my friends tell me that i look
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younger to them and some of my friends are 15 years younger than me and it makes me feel good about myself. now i don't have to hide my profile or feel bad about my profile anymore. >> now let's meet eloise. here's a video of her before her lifestyle lift. >> when i look in the mirror i see these fat pouches that hang, lots of wrinkles around my mouth, and then i also see a sagging neck. so, um, it looks old and it looks tired and, um, very unattractive, i think. >> and now here's eloise today. wow! you look amazing. >> thank you so much. >> how do you think your lifestyle lift turned out? >> oh, i loved it at the very beginning and i'm just now amazed because it's actually smoother, tighter, the jowls
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my chin. it's great and perfect and it's three years later. >> three years later. >> so i couldn't be happier. >> [laughswould you say that getting a lifestyle lift boosted your confidence? >> oh, i've always been actually a pretty confident person. the thing that i really noticed since i've had it done, is that everyone responds to me with more confidence in me. >> wow. >> they don't treat me as if i'm an older person that is getting out of touch with current things and with life as it is. so that's been a benefit that i never would have expected. >> dr. kent, eloise looks amazing. is this kind of physical transformation what all of your patients can expect? >> well, everybody's different but we certainly can make everybody look better and she's a great example of what we can do with the lifestyle lift. >> she sure is.
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procedures like this have been thought of as something that only the very wealthy can afford. is this now something that anybody could afford? >> well, i would say in the past, before lifestyle lift, procedures like this and the ability to look younger were really reserved for wealthy people, movie stars. we have made it affordable now for almost everybody to look younger. >> eloise, would you say that this was worth the investment you made in yourself? >> absolutely. my husband would concur as well and one of the things he told me he feels very proud of is that i've continued to take care of myself. um, it takes a lot of the pressure off of him. he thinks i'm gonna live longer and healthier and it's a good thing to have your husband admire you. >> ooh, it certainly is. do you mind telling us your age when you had the lifestyle lift and your age now? >> absolutely not. i'm really very proud to say that i had this done when i was 69 years old and that was three
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years ago and now i'm 72. >> [laughs i think that's amazing! >> thank you. thank you and it feels great. it feels great to be 72. >> now is the time for you to take the first step to look amazing and start lighting up your life. call now for your free information kit on the lifestyle lift. >> announcer: wrinkles frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results, and lifestyle lift is more affordable than you may think. call now to receive your free information kit and discover why over 150,000 people have decided to turn back the hands of time. >> when i saw the before pictures, i had no idea that it was as bad as i thought.
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you know, you walk around every day and i was aware that i didn't like my profile and i hadn't liked it for a long time. but i can't believe that i had that kind of change. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential, the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation. you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now. >> i'd like to now introduce someone who knows a lot about looking good. michelle bouse is a licensed esthetician and celebrity make-up artist whose clients include some of hollywood's biggest stars. now, michelle, you work with a lot of people who really want to look younger. tell us about the many skin treatments and things that you would use to offer a quick but minor fix. >> well, a lot of what i do with celebrities and the average person are special events and red carpet events. so what they're looking for is a quick fix for maybe one day. they want to look great, they want to look firm, they want to look tight and they want their make-up to be beautiful and flawless. so a lot of what i'm doing lasts
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about a day, maybe a day and a half if it's a topical cream but once they wipe their face off, the make-up is gone, my magic is gone and then once they wait a few days, the topical creams have worn down and their skin goes back to the way it was before i did the event. >> what do you think about the lifestyle lift and the natural results people have? >> there has been a need for this treatment for a long time. this is a very difficult area to treat for me as an esthetician and as a make-up artist. there's only so much i can do in the neck area. >> so, for some of these clients who have asked you now, with what you've seen, what would you say to them? >> i think a lot of people are intimidated to try something and have a procedure done because they're afraid it's not going to look natural, that it's going to be overdone. you see everybody on tv... >> what have they done? >> they looked so good before. what happened? and it wasn't necessarily something that enhanced the way they looked, and i think everybody still wants to look like themselves, they just want to look like they did when they were younger. but they still want to look like
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themselves-- they don't want to look totally different. >> so now let me introduce you to maggie. let's roll maggie's before video. this is how she looked before lifestyle lift. >> it's not that i don't like my appearance, i just feel that there's always room for improvement. i actually saw the lifestyle lift commercial and i was saying, "gee, those women look just like me," the before shots. and i said, "i want to look like those after shots." >> now here she is after. let's welcome maggie. what an astonishing difference. >> thanks, debby. >> now tell me, why did you get the lifestyle lift? >> well, i'm a pretty happy person and whenever i would look in the mirror, i always saw these frown lines. i never looked like i was smiling and that's just not who maggie is. >> well, how has your life changed? >> well, i walk a little taller. i've taken better care of myself-- i wear sunscreen now. [debby chuckles and, um, i put accessories on
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that i didn't-- wouldn't have normally done. i was basically a mascara/lipstick person. >> well, michelle, are you impressed with maggie's results? just tell us what you see. >> definitely, maggie. you've had some great before and after results. you should be so happy. you look like you really got a great lift on your neck area as well as your jowls have disappeared and your deep frown lines around your mouth. i see a little bit of a lift even on the lower cheek/jaw line. it looks beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> great results and so natural. >> would you say you're happier today after having had the lifestyle lift? >> i do like the results. i'm very pleased. >> right now is the time for you to find out how easy looking younger can really be. it's as simple as calling a lifestyle lift specialist from the comfort of your own home. the call is confidential and the free information kit is the first step to looking years younger. here's where to call. >> announcer: wrinkles, frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have
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those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results with options that take as little as an hour. call now to receive your free information kit and discover why over 150,000 people have already had a lifestyle lift. >> i'm a firm believer that if there's something you can do to make yourself feel better about yourself, then absolutely go do it. >> i looked old and now i look healthy, young. i never looked this good. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential, the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation. you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now. >> now we're going to introduce you to colleen and talk about her amazing lifestyle lift experience.
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you look fantastic. >> thank you! i feel fantastic. thank you very much. >> tell me, colleen, why did you decide to go ahead and do a lifestyle lift? >> my face was really showing signs of aging. at a younger age, i had jowls. i had too much skin. i felt the chicken neck coming up. >> what about positive changes in your life since you had the lifestyle lift? >> i think the most is that i was pretty much giving up on trying to look good. i wouldn't do my hair. i wouldn't dress up. i'd, you know, put on the jogging pants or the overalls and not put on make-up, because it never looked good enough. it's like i didn't feel like i looked pretty anymore, so now i have inspiration to want to do that. >> so tell me, what kind of responses have you been getting from maybe friends or family? >> oh, they're all amazed. i've had so many friends go out and get consultations. quite a few have gotten it done for themselves and my boyfriend, he actually went and got his done, so... >> really? >> yeah, he's 10 years older than me and he's like, he's in the business, the music business, and so he sings on stage and so it was real important for him. >> what would you say to someone
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who's maybe considering having a procedure like this done? >> i say run, do not walk, and go get it done. [both laug really, it will make all the difference because it's natural, you don't feel fake, you don't feel like, "oh my god, i'm one of those people that, you know who are you?" it's me and they don't know really what i did. they just know i look great. >> announcer: wrinkles, frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results with options that take as little as an hour in any of our state-of-the-art medical centers nationwide. call now to receive your free information kit and discover why over 150,000 people have decided to turn back the hands of time. >> it's the first thing people look at, they look at your face. when i looked at my face before,
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i had jowls and my neck looked awful. now i feel more confident, so i'm very, very happy that i had the lifestyle lift done. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential, the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation. you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now. >> i'd like to welcome dr. jason swerdloff, a double board-certified regional medical director for lifestyle lift. dr. swerdloff, what are the credentials and qualifications for a lifestyle lift doctor? >> we only hire plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, or e.n.t. head and neck surgeons. these doctors are experts before we ever meet them. we have over 70 board-certified doctors and actually almost half are double board-certified. >> wow. what are you most proud about with the results lifestyle lift provides for people? >> well, the best thing about my job is seeing the effects on the patients after the procedure. seeing a sense of renewed confidence and you can really
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see the difference in the way people feel about themselves afterwards. and that's a wonderful feeling. >> one thing that i learned, um, with my husband dying fairly young: life isn't a dress rehearsal as they say-- you've got one shot. if you don't take that shot now, it's too late, it's over it's gone. so do it while you have a chance because if you don't take the chance to do it now, it's gone. >> today we're letting you know about lifestyle lift, a breakthrough medical process that really does turn back the hands of time. it's now possible to have sagging jowls and a sagging neck disappear, tighten drooping areas and actually remove wrinkles and folds on your face and neck, all with one procedure performed in a single office visit. and it's done without the risk associated with i.v. or general anesthesia. you're awake, yet comfortable during the entire process. it's now possible for you to
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look young again. lifestyle lift doesn't change you, but makes you look the way you did years ago. the lifestyle lift clients you're hearing from today were all thrilled to be able to share their stories with you. >> i don't think anyone can understand how it feels to look at yourself in the mirror one day and the next day look so naturally younger, refreshed and just feel great. look at the before and after pictures. these are not touched up. i looked old and now i look healthy, young. i never looked this good. you've got to do it. >> about two weeks after i had the procedure, i was going to the pharmacy and i was in the drive-through window and i rolled down my window and the pharmacist said, "you look amazing! what did you do? what's happened to you?" and i couldn't wait to share my experience and tell him about my procedure. >> after i had the procedure, i looked, i felt i looked great. when i looked in the mirror, that was the look i wanted. you know, it was natural. there's no doubt there's been a change.
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i feel better about myself i'm confident. i don't even think about the way i used to look-- tired, old and, you know unhealthy-looking. now, you know, i'm vibrant and i have a lot going for me. >> i'm a firm believer that if there's something you can do to make yourself feel better about yourself, then absolutely go do it. i always said, "i'll fight aging every step of the way," and i'll do it. and this was my first step and it was the best one ever. >> we've been inspired today by so many people who believed in themselves enough to take that step and call and speak confidentially with someone over the phone to learn more and make such an amazingly positive difference in their lives. now is the time to have that kind of change happen for you. you really can turn back the hands of time and look the way you did years ago. i invite you to do something for yourself that truly will light up your life. call now for information and your free kit and begin to imagine what will be possible
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for you with a lifestyle lift. ♪ ...'cause you light up my life... ♪ >> so many friends don't know really what i did, they just know i look great., do not walk, and go get it done. [laughs >> i'm just amazed. it's great. i couldn't be happier. it feels great to be 72. >> i would definitely recommend a lifestyle lift. it changed my life. >> i feel better about myself. i'm vibrant, and i have a lot going for me. >> if there's something you can do to make yourself feel better, then go do it. >> it has given me the comfort of being a feminine, attractive woman. this was really a healthy thing for me and i love it. you gotta do it! >> ♪ 'cause you, you light up my life ♪
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♪ you give me hope... ♪ >> announcer: wrinkles, frown lines and sagging skin rob your appearance and make you look old. but imagine if you could have those signs of aging simply disappear. lifestyle lift is an amazing way for you to look young again. you're seeing real lifestyle lift results from real people just like you. lifestyle lift makes it possible to get noticeable, natural and lasting results, and lifestyle lift is more affordable than you may think. call now to receive your free information kit and discover why over 150,000 people have decided to turn back the hands of time. >> when i saw the before pictures, i had no idea that it was as bad as i thought. you know, you walk around every day and i was aware that i didn't like my profile and i hadn't liked it for a long time. but i can't believe that i had that kind of change. >> announcer: call the number you see on your screen right now to receive your free information kit. the call is confidential, the information is free and there's absolutely no obligation.
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you deserve a lifestyle lift. call right now.
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. good morning, everyone. i'm rosy chu. welcome to bay area people.
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have you ever driven around a nicely-kept neighborhood and wondered what the homes looked like from the inside? well, wonder no more! we'll let you know how you can visit some oakland and piedmont homes as part of a fund-raising home tour event. and of course, you'll also be supporting a worthy cause. >> and something we're all really looking forward to today, animals from the australian outback who will be making a new home at the san diego zoo. we'll meet a range of wildlife from down under and that's all coming up today, right here on bay area people. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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if you are always on the lookout for decorating tips for your home, then you would be interested in a fabulous
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oakland and piedmont home tour. beautifully decorated homes are being open to the public as a fund-raiser for the children's support league of the east bay. with all the details, i have joining me this morning pat forsythe and lee iceman, cochairs of the heart of the home tour. this is your 25th anniversary, 25th tour? >> that's correct. >> that is amazing, very good. now, the whole idea of having these home tours is a fund- raiser? >> yes. >> so the name of your organization is the children's- - >> children's support league of the east bay. >> which does what? >> what we do is we have our annual heart of the home tour and we sell tickets to that. we also have a boutique at the piedmont community center and sell lunches and what we try and do is raise money to give away to local children's charities. >> so you're a nonprofit organization that raises funds to give money to other nonprofit organizations? >> that's right. each year, we look at grants, applications, and determine how
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much money we can give to each one. and this is based on how well we do with our ticket sales. >> i know that you raise well over $100,000 each year. >> our goal this year is $225,000. >> wow, that's a lot! it's a two-day event? >> two-day public tour. that will push us over the 3 million mark for the life span of the-- >> after 25 years. >> yes. >> and the nonprofits that benefit from you are what kind of nonprofits? >> they serve at-risk kids that are in alameda county and contra costa county, and these are kids that may be in shelter situations, children who have been exposed to domestic violence, children who are in foster care. it really runs the gamut, including health problems. >> so a nonprofit would apply through a grant process? >> yes. >> then you would determine how much money they would be able to give away? >> yes. we have a maximum grant amount. last year, for instance, we
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gave away $205,000 to 29 different agencies. >> okay. so people can do the math there. >> right. >> let's take a look at some of these homes. you've asked people that you know and friends of friends to open up their gorgeous homes. >> gorgeous homes, they are. >> this is an example of a beautiful home. looks like a dining room area. >> this is from a french normandy home that has many features. it's a william shurmur design from 1930, and it is an example of how people use somewhat small spaces in the feel of the rooms to make an impact. >> now, these homes, you have five homes, correct? >> yes. >> for the public to go through. is it the tour of the entire house or just these specific rooms? >> that's a great question. every year, the tour varies. this year, we are extensively opening each of the five homes. and that's credit to our wonderful homeowners, who make the homes available to the
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public. >> and these are beautifully decorated. were these homes specifically decorated for this event, or is this their natural setting? >> many times, it's their natural setting. they have been recently remodeled, and we find them word of mouth. >> very good. >> and we do a little bit of sprucing up right before the tour. but most of these homes were already-- >> there's a home theater, with blankets so you can fall asleep and get cozy! >> i love it. >> matching fur blankets, faux fur, of course, and that house is a gillian morgan home. >> beautiful. >> quite historic, and the owners are opening it up. gorgeous gardens, definitely worth a tour. and it's such a fun event. >> and these owners are volunteer their homes. you're not paying them? >> no. >> they are doing it for the cause and they are very, very generous. >> i know you're asking people to purchase tickets so that you can raise over $220,000 this
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year. and for my ticket, i get to visit all these -- are they walking distance, or do i drive? >> actually it, is walking distance, except for one. it's kind of a hike, about as steep as hay street in the city. but at least four of the homes are very walkable. and if we have the gornls weather like we have right now, it's going to be great fun. >> and you provide lunch, too? >> for an extra $10, people can order lunch in advance. then there will also be limited number of lunches available. we have two great food trucks at the piedmont community. >> which is always fun. we're almost out of time. one quick answer here. there is a six-house, i understand, especially decorated, right, for this event? >> this house is especially open for the event. this is for those ticket goers -- tour goers who bite vip ticket. we have a gala event, a kickoff on the night before the public
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tour. it's going to be at an absolutely gorgeous home in a beautiful setting. >> sounds like a really nice event. let's tell people -- thank you for joining us. let's tell people about the heart of the home tour, spoargt the children's support league of the east bay. the event itself will be held april 26 and 27. tickets are now available. tickets will be available at the door. it will cost you more money. visit their website and find out more information. homes are in the area of oakland and piedmont. visit their website for ticket information. coming up next on bay area people, we'll help new residents of the san diego zoo who have arrived from the land down under. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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. well, the san diego zoo is known as one of the largest and
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most successful zoos in the country with a huge array of animals from around the world. it's getting ready to debut a new exhibit on memorial day weekend and it's all about the australian outback. with me is rick schwartz, zoo ambassador for the san diego zoo. rick has brought a couple of friends along. >> i love traveling with these guys. i have the best friends anywhere. >> must be such a fun job doing this! >> you better believe it! >> you already have animals from australia. >> oh, of course. the san diego zoo has had one of the best koala breegd programs in the nation, anywhere outside australia for a long time. the australian outback is more of an opportunity to bring our australian animals in and around where the koala exhibit will be, a whole new area, almost 3 acres and it's been a great project. construction is coming along nicely. i've brought along animals to share with you. >> and i know the name, a kookaburra. >> kookaburra, and also known as the laughing kookaburra. one of my favorite is the
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buschmann's alarm clock. they do a certain call every morning and every evening at sunrise and sunset. you guys ready? we'll see if we can get them to go. ready? [ birds calling ] >> wow! [ laughter ] >> this one's on mute. yeah, that call, they will live in family groups of four, six or more in a tree, in their territory. they do that call together, family together and let other kookaburras know what their territory is. that, of course, gets the name laughing kookaburra. >> is that supposedly the laugh? >> yeah, sounds a bit like a laugh and they roll out at the end, that pulse. >> rick, i grew up, summer camp, and i sang -- i don't remember the words. i sang a song about the kookaburra sitting in a gum tree-- >> old gum tree. >> laughing his head off. >> right. apparently somewhere in the lyrics, they are eating gum balls from gum trees. it would be the sap of the
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eucalyptus. which is not true. these are small car nirve reduce boards, small mamas or fish. also says something about throwing monkeys from the trees. there are no monkeys in australia, not natively anymore. >> incorrect information about the bird. >> right! about the song, about the song. >> yeah, about the song. and one more thing, a light blue feather there? >> these are the largest in the kingfisher family. although they are called the kookaburra by common name, they are related to all kingfishers, and kingfishers are a wide variety of species. this is the largest of the kingfisher. >> beautiful. we're going to switch off. >> we have a bunch more animals to share with you. i'll hand these guys off. >> there they go! >> one likes to talk and the other one doesn't here! >> i peaches! >> aww! >> these birds are popular in the pet trade, unfortunately. the thing is, this is a cockatoo.
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i'm going to show your nice crest. >> peaches? >> peaches. >> now i know why. >> all cockatoos have some form of headdress that can be flared up for excitement, or to scare an enemy. they are native to australia, come in all sizes, shapes and colorations. the thing when people want them as pets, they don't realize they are very loud, very smart. people who work with them say they are as smart as a 2 to 3- year-old child mentality. they will live 50 to 60 years and their beak is very sharp. when you think as something in your home as a pet, do you want a 2 or 3-year-old that never grows up and has a sharp pair of pliers in their mouth? >> no. >> best thing, enjoy these animals in their zoos ornative environment. >> do they talk? >> they have the capacity to mimic and talk. peaches tends to be quiet. she will screech and scream every now and then when she gets excited. but right now, she is very relaxed. >> this is an average size for a cockatoo?
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>> average size, yes. when i was in australia doing koala research, we had sulphur crested cockatoo. very similar, just with a bright yellow crest instead of the orange peach-colored crest. >> orange on top. i see yellow feathers down here. >> a little yellow. beautiful when they fly, because they are mostly white with a little yellow. just angelic. flying into our camp, it was amazing to see this flock of angels coming in as the sun came through their wings. as they all settle into their bush for the night, they start screaming and sound like ban chis. >> peaches, you're beautiful. >> she is. >> she's gorgeous. we have another animal? >> yes. >> two guys! >> we'll hand off peaches here. and put these guys on the table. >> oh, my gosh. all right. >> they are real. i promise you. do you want to hold one? this is a blue-tongued skink. >> skink? >> skink. >> they are a type of lizard native to australia. what's cool, they are tasting the air, or smelling. >> is that what it's doing? >> essentially the organ that you and i can process what
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we're doing is in our nostrils. these species have that organ on the roof of their mouth. >> it's a beautiful blue tongue, too. >> it's interesting. the blue tongue, believed by scientists when they open up their mouth, they have a bright pink mouth and hopefully the blue tongue scares off a predator. that's the theory behind the blue tongue. but what's also very interesting about them, they are one of the few animals that show an increase in population in being very healthy and doing well with urbanization. normally when population of human growth, we take over their territories, we see animal populations retreat. this particular species, though, is doing quite well living in cities and towns, so scientists are studying why it is they are able to adapt so quickly and do so well. >> so is the skink related to any lizards that we know of? >> australian species, basically all australian. plenty of different skink found in that area.
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there was also one last fun fact about these guys, too. some have heard that lizards lose their tail and grow back a new one. skinks are part of that family. there's actually a band of muscles we can't see underneath the scales. essentially if they were being hunted and wanted to escape, for them, the idea would be to detach that tail. almost like purse string muscles, pinch it off, and because of those muscles they are pinching, it closes off all the vascular system so they don't bleed. they can dive under a rock or stump, and that tail wiggles and wiggles. predators are usually attracted to movement. they can hide and stop moving, tail keeps wiggling. predator gets a snack and these guys live another day. >> they can self amputate? >> essentially, yes. eject button! >> interesting. there you go. skinks. >> we have one last animal to show you for this group here. these guys-- >> big guy! >> yeah, he's not even full grown, believe it or not. this toad is called a cane
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toad. the nickname is more of what it is. they are found in natively in south america, but they were brought to australia in the early 1900s, but they have such a veracious appetite, that they would be able to take care of the beetles that were ruining the sugar cane fields. the toads never got that information to eat beetles. instead, they are eating a lot of native wildlife instead, causing a huge damage. it's what we call an invasive species that humans introduced. and also on the other side of it, not only are they reducing native toads and other animals that live there, because those animals never adapt add way to get away from the toad or survive its population, see these two bumps that look like shoulder pads? those are poison glands. predators in australia are not adapted to dealing with this animal, and they end up dying because they get sick from eating it. >> two poison pockets. >> two poison glands, yes.
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you most likely have to consume, actually eat or consume him. potentially if he sesecretes anything and you rub your eyes vigorously, could cause irritation. but not poison in the sense you'll drop dead. >> how large would he get? >> i've worked with one as big as a dinner plate. >> wow! >> they get huge and they have an amazing appetite. all that said, the australian government of today is doing a great job trying to right the wrong. there's wonderful conservation work going on in australia to help eradicate the species so native species can make a comeback and more education is out there about introducing animals. >> this guy is native to south america. >> he originated there in south america. all the other animals in that area, again, evolved and grew up, if you will, with this species in their habitat. so it's part of the natural balance of its habitat where it lives. >> he's puffing up! >> yeah, part of the defense, think my poison glands might not be enough to deter you, they swallow air and puff up
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their belly and get nice and big. >> i'm a big guy! >> yeah, exactly, exactly. >> we're going to take a short break and when we come back, we have more for us to take a look at. stay with us. we'll be back with more australian outback animals.
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. we're back with the san diego zoo ambassador rick schwartz. rick has another special guest. >> i do. this is diesel, a 9-month-old joey. you see he is kind of folded into his pouch here. people ask why do you keep him in the pouch like that? honestly, if it was up to the joeys, they would stay in mom's pouch up to a year or more. but when they hit about six, seven months, mom's like, all right, time to move out. pop is pouch is only so big. >> joey is a name for a baby
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kangaroo? >> it's a catch-all term for any baby marsupial. even a koala baby is a joey. it simply means you are raised in a pouch. males do not have a pouch. diesel does not have a pouch. he lives in one. his mom has one, but he does not. >> he's so gentle and awfully soft. >> he's definitely one of our great ambassadors. not something you would go up to a wild kangaroo and expect him to hang out with you on a tv set, for sure. >> how big will he get? >> male red kangaroos can get upwards of 6 feet when they stand fully on their hind feet. for the most part, when kangaroos move, you will see they are hunched over. they can definitely get tall if they need to defend themselves. >> and here comes mom! >> here comes mom, sheila. and she has a joey in her pouch also, but not much bigger than my thumb. when kangaroos are first born, they are about the size of a
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jelly bean, completely underdeveloped. eyes are sealed shut, ears folded down and shut. they have to crawl from the birth canal, into the pouch, latch on and start developing in the pouch. >> how old is sheila? >> she is eight years old. >> she is relatively short? >> she's hunched over right now. if she were to stand up completely tall, she is about 4 feet tall. females are smaller than males. if you see her loke motion, the back feet move, she is not hopping. because of the tendons in the hips, their back feet require at the same time every time. >> the sail helps to balance, is that correct? >> she uses it as a kick stand, but also moving quickly, jumping at top speed, about 30 miles an hour, the tail and head are straight out to balance. >> diesel is sheila's son. >> correct. >> if you let him out, would he be jumping around around mom? >> he would probably go explore. he wouldn't join mom. he would be, like, what's up, i'm going to explore. we want your camera equipment
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to be safe! >> how many animals will you have at the australian outback? >>it's a wide variety. you may be looking at our koala population, over 20 animals in the koalas alone. as you look across the exhibit, you'll see other animals, wombats, a wide variety of birds. reptiles. there's a whole education center, too. it's not just about showing the animals, but about teaching the conservation work with the australian government and the queensland area. >> here in the united states, we have heard of a lot of these animals. i've seen a wombat. but when you first look at these, you think, where do they come from? they look so different. >> australia has a unique floura and fauna. such a diverse landscape, which lends to the animals having to survive in those extremes. >> there goes sheila hopping around! >> they are amazing animals and it's a lot of fun. we're really proud of the fact we can bring the australian animals together. it opens the end of may and will be open all along.
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it's part of the zoo, no extra fee or anything like that. highly encourage people, go to san and learn more. if you're big on social media, we do a lot of giveaways and competitions, too. >> opens memorial day weekend? >> permanent exhibit. we're using the three-day weekend as a kickoff. construction is going great. looks beautiful. >> we're trying to round up sheila. sheila! does she listen? can you train them? >> oh, yeah, definitely trainable. but also one thing, you realize when you're working with animals, especially exotic animals, domestics are bred to work with humans. although they are accustom to working with us in studios, they are still wild animals. if they feel they need to get away, we'll let them have their space. >> while she feeds, we're going to remind you the entire summer is ahead. make plans to visit the san diego zoo and the new
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australian outback exhibit, opening memorial day. you can find information on the exhibit and about the zoo at and all the information on today's guests will be on our website, look for the ktvu tv 36 community tab and the bay area people page. join us on facebook and you'll see lots of pictures behind the scenes of all the wonderful animals we had today. thank you very much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> thank you, diesel, sheila, and thank you for joining us. that's all the time we have today. we'll see you again next week, right here on bay area people. until then, i'm rosy chu. have a terrific weekend. see you soon. bye-bye!
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developing news this morning from the island of bali as a commercial airliner and its passengers slide right into the sea. >> and the complication that led to a deadly shooting in a quiet san francisco
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neighborhood overnight. >> long lines expected at a weekend gun show. we'll tell you about the proposed legislation that is making shows like this one so popular. and good morning, everyone. welcome to mornings on 2. it's saturday, april 13th, i'm mike mibach. >> and i'm claudine wong. let's check in with rosemary orosco for what this weekend has in store. >> we are going to settle into a cooler breezier pattern. today, a subtle change. we're waking up with patchy fog, another chilly start. temperatures very similar to yesterday. for the afternoon, the minor cooling especially along the coast, i expect an afternoon sea breeze with the breeze blows in many areas, so will continue to watch that for you, and i have the numbers for you. we'll talk about sunday as well. looks to be the cooler breezier day of the two-day weekend. more on that coming up. >> and we begin with developing news. we have new video from the scene of a plane crash on the
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indonesian resort island of bali. a commercial jet carrying more than 100 passengers and crew went down into the sea this morning. katie is live in the newsroom with morton crash that has injured close to a dozen people. >> mike, investigators say the plane overshot the runway and crashed into the ocean from a height of around 160 feet. you can see in this video from a local tv station, metro tv, the plane is cracked in half. passengers on board the plane say there was screaming and panic when the plane struck the ocean. some even feared they would drown. one passenger told reporters he managed to get out of an emergency door and swim to safety before rescue crews arrived. we're told the plane carried 101 passengers and seven crew members. rescue crews say all are accounted for and 22 passengers were taken to local hospitals. investigators are still working to figure out how and why the lion airplane went down. the airline is a low-cost carrie


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